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Restaurant Plough Way Cafe - Surrey Quays

Surrey Quays, Plough Way, Seafarer Way SE167UD


Home delivery of Pizza, Pasta, Dessert in Surrey Quays


Sicilian beer brewed near Cagliari.

Moscato Rosa Franz Hass

Sweet, red dessert wine, lively style with fresh, clove perfumes, with touches of cinnamon and orange peel. Complex, elegant and perfectly balanced - Moscato Rosa from Alto Adige.

Canaiuolo Montedoli

From top Tuscany organic producer Montenidoli this is a bone dry rose with taste of rose petal and berry. All in a superior organic rose - Canaiuolo rose from Tuscany - Organic/Vegan.
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Home delivery in United Kingdom

Plough Way Cafe - Surrey Quays deliver your meals as quickly as possible. Ask the restaurant if they have take out orders.