Restaurant near me

Restaurant Sweet Talk Desert Room 恬颜蜜语 - Manchester Central

Manchester Central, The Quadrangle, unit 6, 1 Lower Ormond St, Manchester,M1 5QF M15QF


Home delivery of Bubble Tea, Milkshakes in Manchester Central

Milk 鲜牛乳

Strawberry Milk 草莓鲜牛乳

Mango and Passion Fruit Milk 芒果百香果鲜牛乳

Black Sesame and Black Glutinous Rice Milk 黑芝麻血糯米鲜牛乳

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Bubble Tea 甜言奶茶系列

Bubble Tea Sisters 奶茶两姐妹

Jelly Brothers 奶茶三兄弟

All in One Bubble Tea 招牌烧仙草(半杯都是料)

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Special Drinks 招牌饮品系列

Mango Sago Cream with Pomelo 杨枝甘露

Mango Sago with Pomelo 芒果西米露

Grape Juice with Small Taro Ball 葡萄小芋圆冻冻

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Bakery 烘焙系列

Cream Puff 炸弹小泡芙 奶油口味

Sweet Talk Lovely Balls 圆滚滚系列

Mango Cream Mochi Ball 雪媚娘芒果原味

Candy Cream Mochi Ball 雪媚娘大白兔红豆口味

Strawberry Cream Mochi Ball 雪媚娘草莓酸奶口味

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Mochi with Oreo 麻薯系列

Milk Mochi with Oreo 鲜奶麻薯

Soybean Milk Mochi with Oreo 豆奶麻薯

Dark Brown Sugar Mochi with Oreo 黑糖麻薯

Coconut Milk Drinks in Bowl 西米露

Special Coconut Milk 招牌椰汁西米露

3 pieces of taro ball, mini taro ball, sago seeds, red cow peas, coconut milk. 三颗芋圆, 小芋圆, 西米, 红豆, 椰汁 , 牛奶.

Coconut Milk with Purple Sweet Potato 紫薯椰汁西米露

Mini taro ball, sago seeds, purple sweet potato, coconut milk. 小芋圆, 西米, 紫薯, 椰汁 .

Coconut Milk with Black Glutinous Rice 黑糯米甜甜

Black glutinous rice, mini taro ball, sago seeds, coconut milk, fresh milk. 黑糯米, 小芋圆, 西米, 椰汁, 牛奶.
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Herbal Jelly 仙草冰粉系列

Herbal Jelly Bowl 杨枝甘露烧仙草

6 piece of taro balls, herbal jelly, dried cranberry, sunflower seed, peanut, mango, sago seeds, mango sago cream with pomelo. 六颗芋圆, 仙草冻, 蔓越莓, 瓜子, 花生, 芒果, 西米, 汤汁甘露底 .

Fruit and Soymilk with White Herbal Jelly 水果豆花冰粉

4 pieces of taro balls, white herbal jelly, soy milk jelly, seasonal fruit. 四颗芋圆, 冰粉, 豆花, 应季水果, 红糖水.

Soybean Ball and White Herbal Jelly 红糖糍粑冰粉

Soybean glutinous Rice Ball, peanuts, dry Hawthorn, dried cranberry, strawberry jam. 糍粑, 花生, 山楂, 蔓越莓, 草莓酱, 红糖水.
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Taro Ball 芋圆系列

Chief Special Taro Ball Bowl 招牌芋圆

Taro balls in 4 flavors. Red Cowpeas, black glutinous rice, sago seeds, black tapioca ball, fresh taro, herbal jelly. 四色芋圆. 红豆, 黑糯米, 西米, 珍珠, 蜜芋头, 仙草冻 .

No1. Taro Ball Bowl 芋圆一号

Taro balls in 3 flavors. Red cow peas, black glutinous rice, sago seeds. 三色芋圆. 红豆, 黑糯米, 西米.

No.2 Taro Ball Bowl 芋圆二号

Taro balls in 3 flavors, black glutinous rice, fresh taro, herbal jelly. 三色芋圆. 黑糯米, 蜜芋头,仙草冻.
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Home delivery in United Kingdom

Sweet Talk Desert Room 恬颜蜜语 - Manchester Central deliver your meals as quickly as possible. Ask the restaurant if they have take out orders.